Our Pricing

Tailored Digital Marketing Packages for Every Business

Select from our range of digital packages, crafted for businesses of all sizes.

Activate Package​

Establishing a Strong Brand and Digital Foundation

Integrate Package

Amplifying Your Brand’s Visibility and Engagement

Innovate Package

Comprehensive Custom Solutions for Market Leaders

Activate Package

Establishing a Strong Brand and Digital Foundation

  • Target Audience: Ideal for startups and small businesses.
  • Key Offerings:
    • Comprehensive analysis of your current brand positioning and strategy.
    • Crafting a unique voice and messaging strategy tailored to your target audience.
    • Regular creation of engaging and relevant content for various platforms.
    • Designing and launching a user-friendly, responsive website.
    • Establishing a presence on key digital platforms suited to your business.
*We offer flexible pricing based on your organisation’s needs. Fees are calculated monthly with a minimum commitment of six months. We provide detailed cost breakdowns for transparency.

Integrate Package

Amplifying Your Brand’s Visibility and Engagement

  • Target Audience: Best for businesses in growth phase seeking more visibility.
  • Key Offerings:
    • Development and execution of advanced marketing strategies to increase brand visibility.
    • Coordinating marketing efforts across various digital platforms for optimal reach.
    • Tailored, high-quality content creation including blogs, videos, and infographics.
    • Optimising your website and content for better search engine rankings.
    • Monthly reports on marketing campaign performance and insights for continuous improvement.

*We offer flexible pricing based on your organisation’s needs. Fees are calculated monthly with a minimum commitment of six months. We provide detailed cost breakdowns for transparency.

Innovate Package

Comprehensive Custom Solutions for Market Leaders

  • Target Audience: For established businesses looking for market leadership and innovation.
  • Key Offerings:
    • Development of unique digital platforms and tools specific to your business needs.
    • Implementing automation tools for enhanced operational efficiency.
    • Lead Generation Strategies: Innovative approaches to identify and attract potential customers.
    • Deep analysis of market trends and customer behavior to inform strategic decisions.
    • A holistic approach to revamping your digital presence and processes for maximum impact.

*We offer flexible pricing based on your organisation’s needs. Fees are calculated monthly with a minimum commitment of six months. We provide detailed cost breakdowns for transparency.

Creative Services

Our creative services go beyond standard offerings.

  • Customised Branding Solutions: From logo design to complete brand identity development.
  • Advanced Digital and Print Graphics: Eye-catching designs tailored to your brand’s aesthetic and audience.
  • Video Production and Animation: High-quality video content including explainer videos, animations, and promotional clips.

Our Services

Comprehensive Digital Marketing Solutions

Explore Pulse’s digital solutions, offering specialised communication, integration, and marketing innovation.

Our Services

Comprehensive Digital Marketing Solutions

Data Analytics
and Insights


Frequently Asked Questions

If anything is unclear please have a look at some of the frequently asked questions below, to give you more clarity regarding our services. 

Yes, we believe in continuous marketing for effective audience engagement. However, we tailor solutions to each unique situation and business need.
Absolutely. We are equipped to handle both ongoing projects and specific campaigns, adapting to your business requirements.
The timeline varies based on project complexity. We prioritise efficiency while ensuring quality and thoroughness in our processes.
Post-activation, we focus on maintaining and optimising the implemented strategies to ensure continuous improvement and success.
Our pricing models are flexible, including monthly retainers and project-based pricing. We choose the model that best fits your project scope.
Additional work is quoted based on the complexity, urgency, and resource requirements. We ensure transparency and fairness in our pricing.
We cover a wide range of channels and creative projects. In rare cases where we cannot assist directly, we provide guidance or refer to trusted partners.
Vertical shot of a doubtful Afro American woman looking confused, embodying the decision-making process in digital strategy discussions.

Ready to Start?

Get a free consultation and digital audit to evaluate your online presence. Afterwards, receive a feedback report and recommendations from our experts to shape your digital strategy. Improve your brand’s online performance and boost your presence today!

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Worth R2000!